Financial Planning for your kids college education is an investment in the future. Whether you have kids now or plan to have them in the future, it is never too early to start saving for their education. Even though education in Ireland is free, there are many additional costs going to college from college admin fees to the cost of education if your kids have to travel to attend the course that they dream of. A recent article from the Irish Independent estimated the cost in 2021/2022 if your child moves away for college is €14,000. Financial planning for your kids’ education is a big responsibility, and we want to make it easy for you.
MBC Financial is delighted to announce that we have been awarded Cork Pension and Investment Broker 2021 by the All-Ireland Business Foundation and have maintained our Business All-Star Accreditation for the second year in a row – 2020 and 2021.
Our team has been very busy over the last 8 weeks working with the All- Ireland Business Foundation to maintain our Business All-Star Accreditation Certificate.